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Subject guides

Pharmacy: Drug information

A Library subject guide for pharmacy students.

General reference

Additionally, the printed version of the latest edition is available for reference purposes at 615.114 BRI on Floor 5 of the Library.

Electronic Medicines Compendium

The Electronic Medicines Compendium provides free and up-to-date information on UK medicines, including electronic Data Sheets, Summaries of Product Characteristics (SPCs) and Patient Information Leaflets (PILs).

MedicinesComplete: Key title

Medicines Complete: specific titles

Referencing Medicines Complete

Each resource in Medicines Complete was originally a printed reference work (book or set of books). You reference each title as an electronic book - see our APA 7th referencing guide for advice. See below, last updated September 2024.

Brayfield, A., & Cadart, C. (Eds.). (2024). Martindale: The complete drug reference. Pharmaceutical Press.

Hancock, B. C., Moss, G. P., & Goldfarb, D. J. (Eds.). (2024). Pharmaceutical excipients. Pharmaceutical Press; American Pharmacists Association. 

Joint Formulary Committee. (2024). British National Formulary. BMJ; Pharmaceutical Press. 

Paediatric Formulary Committee. (2024). BNF for children. BMJ; Pharmaceutical Press; RCPCH Publications. 

Preston, C. L. (Ed.). Stockley’s drug interactions. Pharmaceutical Press. 

Moffat, A. C., Osselton, M. D., & Elliott, S. P. (Eds). Clarke’s analysis of drugs and poisons. Pharmaceutical Press. 


National Poisons Information Service

Environmental Health and Toxicology SIS - a Specialised Information Service from the United States National Library of Medicine. The Toxicology Information Page includes the Toxnet databases, internet resources and a PubMed Toxicology Subset search