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Subject guides

Geography: Help with searching

A library guide for students and staff in the Biological Sciences

How to use Library Search

Searching Tips

  • Phrasemarks ensure that you only find results where those words are together in that order e.g. “climate change”
  • An asterisk will search for any group of letters e.g. geogr* will find geography, geographical, geographers and geographies etc.
  • A question mark will search for one letter e.g. organi?ed will find organised and organized

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides a way to search for scholarly literature. You can search for articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other websites, but sometimes the volume of results can be overwhelming and you may not be able to access the full text of the content you find.

Finding full text
Use Google Scholar Library Links to find full text available through the University of Huddersfield Library:

Connect to Google Scholar
Click 'Settings'
Click 'Library links'
Search for 'Huddersfield in the search box ('Show library access links for:')
Select 'University of Huddersfield - Full-Text @Huddersfield'
Click 'Save'

Write like a scientist

Check out the Write Like a Scientist guide (including videos) on how to plan, research, structure and review your scientific research.  It was created by an Academic Skills Tutor in Applied Sciences. This YouTube navigation guide introduces the resource.

Write like a scientist website screenshot

Box of Broadcasts

Box of Broadcasts (also know as BoB) is an archive of free-to-air TV and radio programmes available to you through the University of Huddersfield Library subscription.  You can choose to watch previously recorded programmes, request future programmes and save lists of programmes for your teaching or research.

Click on the tabs above for a series of instructional videos to take you through the basics of using Box of Broadcasts.

Click on this link to go direct to BoB. You can also access it from the A-Z list of electronic resources, and find BoB under the letter B.

You will be prompted to log in with your University login and password. The first time you access BoB, it will ask you to register your university email address (undergraduates and postgraduate taught students = You will need to confirm your address by checking your email and clicking on the link provided.


Here's a useful video from Learning on Demand who run Box of Broadcasts.


This short video shows you how to request TV and radio programmes to be recorded.

If you have any questions or need help using Box of Broadcasts, contact your Subject Librarian at the Help Centre on Floor 4 of the Library, phone 01484 47200 or email and we will be happy to help.

Photo of an old radio set