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Leganto reading list staff guide: FAQs

Training and support for Leganto reading lists

Cite It!

How do I install the Cite it bookmarklet?Click on your initials in the top right, choose the CiteIT! Option and follow the steps to install into your bookmark bar. Link to instructions inLibGuide.

The Cite It bookmarklet doesn't work properly?If you aren’t signed into Leganto already, clicking on Cite it! will open Leganto instead of saving the resource you want. If you click on it and nothing happens, try restarting your computer or, failing that, delete and reinstall the bookmarklet.

New Lists/Associating Lists/Collaborators

Will I have to create a list from scratch for a new module? -  Yes, this is no longer done automatically. Log in to Brightspace and navigate to the new module, click on the reading list button and you will be prompted to create a list. Links to libguide to add items and manage your reading list.

Can a reading list be associated with more than one module?Yes, just click the three dots and select Manage Module Association, then associate it with as many modules as required. Link to instructions in LibGuide.

How do I let someone else have access to my list? Everyone should be able to access any list to view it. If you want to make someone a collaborator on a list, from the panel on the right select collaborators. There you can invite people, remove them, and alter editing permissions. Link to instructions in LibGuide

I can't see all the lists I should have access toIf you are teaching on a module but cannot see the Brightspace area and associated reading list, contact the Learning Technology Advisor (LTA) for your school.

Adding Items

How do I add new items? You can add new items directly from Summon by clicking ‘add item’, or install the Cite It! bookmarklet by clicking on your initials in the top right corner and then following the steps. Link to instructions in LibGuide.

Can I add items not on Summon? Yes, when you click on add items select blank form and fill in the details. Link to instructions in LibGuide.

How do I add a website to a list? You can use the CiteIt! button to add web pages to a list. Simply install it, then click it when you’re on the desired webpage and follow the instructions. Link to instructions inLibGuide.

How do I add book chapters? - The easiest way is to search for the whole book entry via the Library search (if already in stock) or via the CiteIt! tool (if not in stock). You can then edit the book entry to a book chapter and add the extra detail, including chapter or page numbers. Link to instructions in LibGuide.

Editing and managing lists

How do I publish my list so its visible to students?Click the three dots at the top of the list, and select publish. Until this is clicked the list will remain in draft mode and hidden from students.

Can I turn off student discussion? - Yes you can; click the three dots next to the list heading, then configure list discussions from the drop down. Link to instructions in LibGuide.

How do I receive notifications from a list? Click on your initials, then user settings. You can then toggle notifications on and off.

How do I edit an item?You can add notes, add dates, and makes other edits by clicking the three dots next to an item. Link to instructions in LibGuide.

How do I edit a section?You can edit a section, add notes, and add date ranges by clicking the three dots to the side of a section.

Do I have to click Library Review after I finish editing? - Library Review lets the library know that you have finished editing so they can proceed with any actions; ordering books, scanning chapters etc. Students will still be able to see changes if library review isn’t clicked, but actions won’t have been performed. Link to instructions in LibGuide.

How can I contact the library about issues with a list? - For general questions about items or reading lists simply email For questions about specific lists or items you can use the library discussion feature, which appears in the right hand panel. This will allow you and the library to open a dialogue; answers will appear in the discussion and you will be notified of responses via email. Link to instructions in LibGuide.