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Subject guides

Physiotherapy: Reading Lists

This is a subject guide to give students of Physiotherapy an overview of the different resources available at the University of Huddersfield.

Introduction to reading lists

Illustration of person looking at books, computer screen and the world - suggesting reading list opens up a gateway to information 

 This short guide provides support and tips on getting the best out of your reading lists at the University of Huddersfield.

 It covers the following sections: How to access; Why use reading lists; Where to go for help; and How to set up a Collection and install the Cite It tool.

How do I access my reading list?

Accessing your readings lists is really easy. Simply go to the relevant module on Brightspace, and you will find a link to the reading list in the Key Items drop down from the top menu. This will take you directly to the reading list.

For students of Education & Professional Development, the reading lists are in a slightly different place in Brightspace. Go to your module as usual, then click on Content at the top of the page, then Learning Resources down the left hand side to view your reading list.

Where do I go for help?

If there is an issue with your reading list your first point of contact should be with your module tutor.

For electronic resources, you can also report the link as broken yourself. Click into the resource, then in the three dots next to Links and Availability select Mark as broken, which will send a message to the library.

For any other questions, you can email the library at

Why should I use the reading lists?

Our reading list system here at Huddersfield is called Leganto, which you will see when you're accessing your lists.

Accessing your resources via your reading lists can be really useful. Your tutors will have specially chosen books, ebooks, journals and websites that will be useful to your module, and your reading list allows you to access them faster as opposed to searching the library yourself. There are direct links from your list to Library Search for electronic resources, so a few clicks will bring you to the reading quickly and easily.

A lot of the time your tutors will have organised your lists as well into useful sections, such as reading for a certain week or seminar, or highlighted the most important reading for a module. Accessing your reading lists lets you see this information, and identify the most relevant resources.

Your Collection

Your Collection is a personal space in your reading list where you can save any useful reading that you find. Once its saved you have easy access to your chosen reading, and you can suggest them for any lists, if the tutor has the option turned on. You can add resources into your Collection from another list, by clicking the three buttons next to a resource, or by using the Cite It! button. 

The following video will take you through how to use your Collection:

Cite It!

You can add things to your collection using the CiteIt! bookmarklet. This works with the library catalogue and Library Search, and you can add things from outside the Library, such as YouTube videos, podcasts, and newspaper articles. 

Watch the video below for more details on installing and using the CiteIt! feature.