Box of Broadcasts (also known as BoB) is an archive of free-to-air TV and radio programmes available to you through the University of Huddersfield Library subscription. You can choose to watch previously recorded programmes, request future programmes and save lists of programmes for your learning, teaching or research.
Click on the tabs above for a series of instructional videos to take you through the basics of using Box of Broadcasts.
Click on this link to go direct to BoB. You can also access it from the A-Z list of electronic resources, and find BoB under the letter B.
You will be prompted to log in with your University login and password. The first time you access BoB, it will ask you to register your university email address (undergraduates and postgraduate taught students = You will need to confirm your address by checking your email and clicking on the link provided.
Here's a useful video from Learning on Demand who run Box of Broadcasts.
This short video shows you how to request TV and radio programmes to be recorded.
Box of Broadcasts provides extensive help on their website:
If you have any further questions, contact your Subject Librarian at the Help Centre on Floor 4 of the Library or email and we will be happy to help.
The best way to search the University Archive catalogue is to fill in a small number of fields. Being too specific may reduce the number of results!
Using the ‘Title or Description’ field is often enough, unless you want to search only one collection specifically.
Do a search to find its reference code, then enter your search term in ‘Title or Description’ and the reference of the collection in the ‘Reference Code’ field. If you ever need help with searches, call into the archives.
If you’d like to look directly at the catalogue of a particular collection, then search for its reference code, then use it where the asterisks are:***/ so the University Archives are: