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Subject guides

Nursing: Home

A subject guide for nursing.

Welcome to the Nursing library pages!

Here you'll find lots of information on how to find books and journal articles for your assignments, how to reference, and how to get help when you get stuck.

If you can't find what you need here or get stuck, use the contact information on the right of this page to get in touch with the library's Human and Health Sciences subject team.  We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Referencing Medicines Complete

Each resource in Medicines Complete was originally a printed reference work (book or set of books). You reference each title as an electronic book - see our APA 7th referencing guide for advice. See below, last updated September 2024.

Brayfield, A., & Cadart, C. (Eds.). (2024). Martindale: The complete drug reference. Pharmaceutical Press.

Hancock, B. C., Moss, G. P., & Goldfarb, D. J. (Eds.). (2024). Pharmaceutical excipients. Pharmaceutical Press; American Pharmacists Association. 

Joint Formulary Committee. (2024). British National Formulary. BMJ; Pharmaceutical Press. 

Paediatric Formulary Committee. (2024). BNF for children. BMJ; Pharmaceutical Press; RCPCH Publications. 

Preston, C. L. (Ed.). Stockley’s drug interactions. Pharmaceutical Press. 

Moffat, A. C., Osselton, M. D., & Elliott, S. P. (Eds). Clarke’s analysis of drugs and poisons. Pharmaceutical Press. 

Reading Well for Mental Health

Reading Well for Mental Health is a scheme developed by public health professionals and public libraries to provide self-help reading for a wide range of situations, life changes, and conditions. The list of titles available in this resource are all recommended by Student Wellbeing Services and provided by the University Library. The list is browsable (but searchable) in this link:

Reading Well title list.

Alternatively, if you prefer to look quickly for a specific subject the Wellbeing site has a the titles in a more structured format:

Student Wellbeing reading.

Browzine for nursing

Accessing resources with NHS Athens

If you have any questions about regisering for and accessing NHS resources using a specialist log in ( that is NOT your normal University log in), we have made instructions available here. For further guidance beyond registration, please refer to the School for support.

Key resources

Box of Broadcasts (BoB)

Box of Broadcasts (also known as BoB) is an archive of free-to-air TV and radio programmes available to you through the University of Huddersfield Library subscription.  You can choose to watch previously recorded programmes, request future programmes and save lists of programmes for your learning, teaching or research.

Click on the tabs above for a series of instructional videos to take you through the basics of using Box of Broadcasts.

                                               Box of Broadcasts promotion poster

Click on this link to go direct to BoB. You can also access it from the A-Z list of electronic resources, and find BoB under the letter B.

You will be prompted to log in with your University login and password. The first time you access BoB, it will ask you to register your university email address (undergraduates and postgraduate taught students = You will need to confirm your address by checking your email and clicking on the link provided.


Here's a useful video from Learning on Demand who run Box of Broadcasts.


This short video shows you how to request TV and radio programmes to be recorded.

Box of Broadcasts provides extensive help on their website:

Frequently asked questions

How to use BoB videos

If you have any further questions, contact your Subject Librarian at the Help Centre on Floor 4 of the Library or email and we will be happy to help.

Student watching video on phone

Subject Librarian

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