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Subject guides

Open Access: EPrints Repository

A guide to Open Access at the University of Huddersfield

The University Repository

The University EPrints Repository is the archive of research outputs of the University from 2007 to 2017. From 2018 research outputs not covered below should be uploaded to Pure.

The following outputs can be added to EPrints:

  • Post graduate theses registered with the Research Office, unless a sponsoring body has withheld permission for commercial reasons or there are issues of confidentiality.  (These will be added be the Library Team upon receipt of the finalised documents from Registry.)
  • Research outputs including articles, presentations and other material produced by University support staff
  • Research outputs including articles, presentations and other material produced by postgraduate researchers where they are the only author.
  • Note: For outputs where postgraduate researchers have co-authored with their supervisor or another academic member of staff, one of the University of Huddersfield co-authors will be responsible for ensuring Open Access compliance by adding the item to Pure.  This is in line with the University's Open Access Policy.  If a PGR receives funding from UKRI, they are advised to consult the module on Brightspace for information on compliance with funder requirements.

Queries relating to the EPrints Repository should be directed to the Library Subscriptions & Access Team at 

Tips for using the EPrints Repository

How do I access the repository?

All you need is your staff/student login to gain access to the Repository here. Once you have logged on you will be taken to your User Area where you can add your thesis or research output. Click on ‘New Item’ to create a new repository record.

What can I add?

See The University Repository/EPrints output information in the University Respository information box.

What can I upload?

You will need to find out whether you have permission to put your published material onto the repository. Sherpa Romeo provides reliable information on publishers’ copyright policies, but if you are unsure, contact the Library Subscriptions & Access Team at

What details do I need?

Try to provide as much bibliographic information (metadata) as possible when filling in your record. The information you will need to provide will differ depending on what you are depositing, but the record will clearly tell you what information is required. You also need to choose subject headings - a maximum of three is recommended.

How do I display items?

Each record has to be checked by a repository administrator before it can be placed in the live archive. Once this has happened, the record will be searchable on the ePrints Repository, Library Search and Google Scholar.