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Open Access: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

A guide to Open Access at the University of Huddersfield

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

ACM OPEN enables all corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Huddersfield to publish their scholarly articles with ACM on a completely open access basis without needing to pay any individual article processing charges (APC).

To be eligible under this agreement articles must have an acceptance date between 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2025 and meet the following Author, Journal and Article type criteria.


Eligible Authors

To be eligible, individuals must have an affiliation with the University of Huddersfield. This includes students who are enrolled at or accredited to the institution, as well as teaching and research staff who are employed by or otherwise accredited to the University. In the case of articles with multiple authors, only the corresponding author can qualify as an Affiliated Author. 

The primary affiliation for each author should be the institution where the majority of their work was done and Authors shall be deemed affiliated with the Institution if the email address they provide during the article submission process uses a University of Huddersfield domain name. 

The “Corresponding Author” means the author's who are either sole authors or co-authors of articles accepted for publication and who are designated by their co-authors to serve as the corresponding author for the accepted article. A corresponding author has the authority to represent their co-authors in all publication related matters with the Publisher and is responsible for the completion of the Publisher rights assignment process.

If an author does not wish to publish OA, the corresponding author will need to change the email associated with the paper to a personal email address (e.g. gmail, etc.).

Please note: papers with corresponding authors who are honorary, visiting or NHS members of staff without a contract of employment will not normally be eligible to use this agreement.


Eligible Journals

All ACM conferences, journals, and magazines, for which ACM manages production and rights, are eligible for Open Access publishing. If you're unsure on the eligibility of a title please contact the Open Access Team.


ACM and IEEE co-published conferences and journals 

In the case of ACM and IEEE co-published conferences, the production and author rights process alternates annually between ACM and IEEE. For the years ACM manages production and author rights for a conference, the published articles are included in ACM Open and managed in the same way as all other ACM Publications. For the years IEEE manages production and author rights for a conference, published articles are not included in ACM Open. It has yet to be determined by ACM and IEEE whether these articles will be included in the ACM Digital Library after January 1, 2026. To inquire about upcoming Open Access eligibility for a given conference, please contact the conference organiser.


Eligible Article Types

All fully peer-reviewed research articles newly published in ACM’s magazines, conference proceedings, and journals are eligible.


Licence options 

The default choice for the corresponding author is to grant ACM the non-exclusive permission to publish and to use a CC-BY license; however, the author may also choose to grant ACM an exclusive license to publish. If granting ACM the non-exclusive permission to publish, the author may also choose other CC licenses. 


Submission Checklist
Criteria All must apply
Affiliated to the University of Huddersfield
You are the corresponding author
The selected journal or conference proceeding is eligible (see above) and if applicable meets UKRI funding requirements
The article type is eligible (see above)
You used your University email address during the submission process
You selected the 'University of Huddersfield' as your institution during the submission process
You have acknowledged any funders
If UKRI funded, you have chosen an appropriate CC-BY licence to comply with funder requirements


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