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Open Access: Oxford University Press (OUP)

A guide to Open Access at the University of Huddersfield

Oxford University Press (OUP)

The agreement with OUP provides free Open Access publishing in most hybrid and fully gold OA journals for corresponding authors affiliated to the University of Huddersfield

To be eligible under this agreement articles must have an acceptance date after 1st January 2024 and meet the following Author, Journal and Article type criteria.


Eligible Authors

Teaching and research staff employed by or otherwise accredited to the University of Huddersfield as well as students enrolled or accredited to the Institution who are also the corresponding author of an article published in an Offered Title.

In case of articles published by multiple authors, only the corresponding author will be the Eligible Corresponding Author.  


Eligible Journals

An eligible hybrid or fully Open Access journal


Eligible Article Types
  • Research articles
  • Review articles
  • Brief reports and case reports

Please note: Article-commentary types, Book Reviews or Articles in supplements (i.e. specifically designated issues supplementary to a journal’s usual publication, often sponsored by third parties), are not considered to be Eligible Articles.


Rights Retention Statement position    

OUP will not reject submitted manuscripts or divert such manuscripts to alternative journals due to either a) the inclusion in such manuscripts of author or institutional rights retention statements, or b) the adherence of authors of such manuscripts to institutional or funder rights retention policies. Where authors are required to do so in order to follow effective institutional or funder rights retention policies, OUP will not prevent the deposition of Author Accepted Manuscripts (AAMs) to repositories, for release immediately on first online publication with a CC BY licence.
Where there is a conflict between the wording above and that presented to authors on OUP webpages and workflows (including licenses to publish), the statement above shall apply.


Submission Checklist

Criteria All must apply
Affiliated to the University of Huddersfield
You are the corresponding author

The selected journal is an eligible title (see above) and if applicable meets UKRI funding requirements

The article type is eligible (see above)
You used your University email address during the submission process
You selected the 'University of Huddersfield' as your institution during the submission process
You have acknowledged any funders
If UKRI funded you have chosen an appropriate CC-BY licence to comply with funder requirements and included a data access statement


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